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Bawumia’s Flag Bearer Victory: Social Commentator Predicts Advantage for John Mahama as President Elect.


The New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) recent election of Vice President Dr. Bawumia as its flag bearer has triggered a wave of political analysis, with a notable social commentator predicting that this move may inadvertently play into the hands of former President John Mahama, positioning him as a “President Elect” in the eyes of the electorate.

The prediction hinges on the commentator’s assessment of Bawumia’s records and their potential impact on voter sentiment. According to the commentator, Bawumia’s tenure as Vice President has been marked by economic policies and decisions that, in the eyes of some critics, have not yielded the promised results. The social commentator suggests that these perceived shortcomings might pose a challenge for Bawumia in the upcoming elections.

“Dr. Bawumia’s records, particularly on economic matters, have been a subject of debate. If the NPP, by choosing him as their flag bearer, signals an endorsement of these policies, it could inadvertently position John Mahama as a favorable alternative for voters who are not satisfied with the current administration’s economic performance,” the commentator remarked.

The prediction implies that the election of Bawumia could, in the eyes of some voters, make John Mahama a de facto “President Elect,” assuming that dissatisfaction with the NPP’s economic policies translates into increased support for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidate.

While this perspective has generated discussions within political circles, it’s important to note that political analyses and predictions are subjective and may not necessarily reflect the sentiments of the entire electorate. The NPP, in response to these predictions, has emphasized its commitment to the vice president and highlighted his achievements and vision for the future.

As Ghana heads toward the next general elections, the political landscape is likely to witness intensified debates on the economic performance of the current administration and its potential impact on voter choices. Ghanaians will ultimately decide the trajectory of the nation based on their assessment of the competing visions presented by the political parties and their respective flag bearers.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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