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Dr. Zenator Rawlings Expresses Concerns Over Ongoing Voter Registration Process


*Accra, Ghana – September 15, 2023*

Dr. Zenator Agyemang-Rawlings, Member of Parliament for Klottey Korle and a prominent figure within Ghana’s National Democratic Congress (NDC), has voiced her concerns regarding the ongoing voter registration process in the country. In a press conference held yesterday at her constituency office, she raised questions about the transparency and inclusivity of the voter registration exercise, citing alleged irregularities.

Dr. Zenator, a staunch advocate for free and fair elections, began her address by expressing her commitment to the democratic principles that underpin Ghana’s electoral system. She emphasized the importance of an unbiased and accessible voter registration process as the foundation of a credible electoral system.

During the press conference, she outlined several concerns regarding the ongoing voter registration exercise:

1. **Alleged Irregularities:** Dr. Zenator pointed to reports of irregularities and discrepancies in the registration process. These reports include claims of double registration, missing names on voter lists, and instances of individuals facing undue obstacles when attempting to register.

2. **Accessibility Challenges:** The NDC MP highlighted instances where eligible voters, particularly in opposition-leaning areas, faced difficulties in accessing voter registration centers. She argued that these challenges could undermine the principle of inclusivity.

3. **Transparency and Accountability:** Dr. Zenator called for greater transparency and accountability in the voter registration process. She stressed the need for the Electoral Commission of Ghana to address concerns promptly and openly to maintain public trust.

Dr. Zenator’s concerns come at a crucial juncture as Ghana prepares for the upcoming general elections. Ensuring a fair and transparent voter registration process is essential to the credibility of the electoral system and the legitimacy of the election results.

In response to her concerns, the Electoral Commission of Ghana issued a statement reaffirming its commitment to conducting a free, fair, and transparent registration process. The commission also urged all political parties and stakeholders to work together to address any reported irregularities promptly.

The ongoing debate surrounding the voter registration process in Ghana underscores the importance of transparency, fairness, and inclusivity in the lead-up to any election. As the country inches closer to the polls, the calls for a rigorous examination of the voter registration process and its adherence to democratic principles are likely to intensify, with the aim of ensuring a credible and peaceful election.

story Filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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