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Minority Leader Proposes Cocoa Price Increase to 2.8K, Disputing Government’s 1.3K Figure


**Subheading:** The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Leader Calls for Greater Support to Cocoa Farmers

*Accra, Ghana – September 15, 2023*

In a bold move aimed at championing the cause of Ghana’s cocoa farmers, the Minority Leader of Ghana’s Parliament, Honorable Atto Forson, has asserted that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) will increase the price of cocoa to 2.8K per metric ton, a figure significantly higher than the government’s proposed 1.3K per metric ton.

Honorable Atto Forson made this announcement during a press conference held at the NDC’s headquarters in Accra yesterday. In his impassioned speech, he argued that Ghana’s cocoa farmers deserved a better deal, and the NDC was committed to ensuring their welfare.

“For too long, our cocoa farmers have labored tirelessly to provide the world with the finest cocoa beans, yet they continue to struggle with meager incomes. The NDC believes in the value of their hard work and is committed to ensuring that they receive fair compensation,” Honorable Forson stated.

The announcement comes at a crucial time when the government is preparing to set the cocoa producer price for the upcoming harvest season. Ghana is one of the world’s leading cocoa producers, and cocoa farming plays a vital role in the country’s economy, providing livelihoods for millions of Ghanaians.

The government’s initial proposal of 1.3K per metric ton had been met with mixed reactions from cocoa farmers and industry stakeholders. Many had argued that this price was insufficient to cover the rising costs of cocoa production and provide farmers with a decent income.

Honorable Atto Forson’s announcement has injected a new level of debate into this critical issue. While some applaud the NDC’s commitment to improving cocoa farmers’ livelihoods, others question the feasibility of the proposed 2.8K price and its potential impact on the cocoa industry as a whole.

The government is expected to respond to the NDC’s proposal in the coming days, and the ensuing negotiations will undoubtedly shape the future of cocoa farming in Ghana.

As cocoa remains a cornerstone of Ghana’s agricultural sector, any changes to its pricing will have far-reaching consequences for the nation’s economy. The debate between the NDC and the government over the cocoa price increase will continue to unfold, with all eyes on the upcoming decisions that will affect the lives of cocoa farmers across the country.

story by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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