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ECG’s Targeting of Health Centers Deemed Disastrous for Ghanaians: Insights from Social Commentator Hon. Seth Ankrah


In a scathing critique of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), social commentator Hon. Seth Ankrah has raised alarm over the company’s decision to target health centers with electricity disconnections due to unpaid bills. Ankrah argues that such actions could have disastrous consequences for Ghanaians, especially in the midst of ongoing healthcare challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The issue came to light when reports surfaced of several health centers in various parts of the country facing electricity disconnections by ECG due to outstanding bills. According to Ankrah, these disconnections not only jeopardize the delivery of essential healthcare services but also undermine efforts to combat the pandemic and ensure the well-being of citizens.

In a statement condemning ECG’s actions, Ankrah emphasized the critical role of electricity in healthcare delivery, particularly in the operation of medical equipment, refrigeration of vaccines and medications, and the provision of lighting and heating in healthcare facilities. He warned that electricity disconnections could lead to disruptions in patient care, compromise the safety of medical procedures, and increase the risk of adverse health outcomes for patients.

Ankrah’s criticism of ECG’s targeting of health centers reflects broader concerns about the accessibility and affordability of essential services in Ghana. He argues that while electricity is essential for modern living, it should be considered a basic necessity rather than a luxury. Therefore, he contends that efforts should be made to ensure that critical institutions such as health centers have uninterrupted access to electricity to fulfill their mandate of providing quality healthcare services to the public.

The controversy surrounding ECG’s actions has sparked debate and prompted responses from various stakeholders. Health professionals, advocacy groups, and civil society organizations have joined Ankrah in condemning the disconnections, calling for urgent intervention to restore electricity supply to affected health centers. They argue that such actions undermine the government’s commitment to improving healthcare infrastructure and achieving universal health coverage.

In response to the backlash, ECG has defended its decision to disconnect health centers with outstanding bills, citing the need to recover revenue and maintain financial sustainability. The company acknowledges the importance of electricity in healthcare delivery but emphasizes the need for all consumers, including government institutions, to fulfill their financial obligations to ensure the viability of the electricity supply chain.

However, critics argue that while it is essential to address non-payment issues, targeting health centers with disconnections is a shortsighted approach that fails to consider the broader implications for public health and well-being. They call for alternative solutions, such as debt restructuring, payment plans, and increased government support, to address the financial challenges facing both ECG and healthcare facilities.

As the debate continues, attention is increasingly focused on finding practical and sustainable solutions to the underlying issues affecting electricity provision and healthcare delivery in Ghana. Stakeholders emphasize the importance of collaboration, dialogue, and mutual understanding to address the root causes of the problem and ensure that essential services remain accessible and affordable for all citizens.

In the midst of the ongoing crisis, Hon. Seth Ankrah’s outspoken advocacy for the rights of Ghanaians and his unwavering commitment to social justice serve as a reminder of the importance of holding institutions accountable and advocating for the common good. His efforts to shed light on the challenges facing health centers and the implications of electricity disconnections highlight the need for concerted action to protect the well-being of all citizens and uphold the principles of equity and justice in Ghanaian society.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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