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Hon Seth Ankra’s Scathing Rebuke: Government’s Focus on Ghana Card Criticized as Road Deaths Soar”

In a fiery condemnation of government priorities, Hon. Seth Ankra, a vocal social commentator/Politician and advocate for public welfare, has lambasted the Ghanaian government for its failure to address the escalating road safety crisis while focusing resources on the rollout of the Ghana Card. Ankra’s impassioned critique comes in the wake of a tragic surge in road accidents across the country, claiming numerous lives and leaving families devastated.

Ankra minced no words in his scathing rebuke, declaring, “The Ghana Card can’t save lives, but Ghanaians are dying on the roads. Fix it!” His statement underscores the urgency of addressing the pressing issue of road safety, which has become a matter of life and death for many citizens.

The road safety crisis in Ghana has reached alarming proportions, with statistics showing a steady increase in road traffic accidents and fatalities in recent years. According to the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA), Ghana recorded over 2,000 road traffic deaths in 2023 alone, marking a significant rise compared to previous years. The surge in accidents has been attributed to various factors, including reckless driving, inadequate road infrastructure, and poor enforcement of traffic regulations.

In his impassioned plea for action, Ankra highlighted the devastating impact of road accidents on families and communities across the country. He recounted heart-wrenching stories of lives lost, dreams shattered, and futures destroyed due to the negligence and indifference of policymakers and authorities.

Ankra’s criticism of the government’s misplaced priorities resonated with many Ghanaians who have long voiced concerns about the state of road safety in the country. Citizens lamented the lack of effective measures to address the root causes of accidents and prevent needless loss of life on the roads. They called for urgent action to improve road infrastructure, enhance enforcement of traffic laws, and promote public awareness of road safety practices.

In response to Ankra’s critique, government officials defended their record on road safety, citing ongoing efforts to address the issue through various initiatives and interventions. They pointed to investments in road infrastructure development, road safety education campaigns, and enhanced enforcement of traffic regulations as evidence of their commitment to improving road safety in Ghana.

However, Ankra and other critics remained unconvinced, arguing that government actions have fallen short of addressing the magnitude of the road safety crisis. They called for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all road users. They urged the government to allocate sufficient resources and implement effective strategies to tackle the underlying causes of accidents and reduce fatalities on the roads.

The debate over road safety in Ghana has reignited discussions about governance, accountability, and public service delivery. Citizens have demanded greater transparency and accountability from government officials in addressing the challenges facing the country’s road transport sector. They called for meaningful engagement with stakeholders, including civil society organizations, the private sector, and affected communities, to develop holistic solutions that address the root causes of road accidents and promote safer roads for all.

As the government faces mounting pressure to act, the plight of victims and their families remains a stark reminder of the human cost of inaction. Hon. Seth Ankra’s impassioned plea for action serves as a rallying cry for citizens to hold their leaders accountable and demand meaningful change to ensure that every Ghanaian can travel safely on the roads without fear of harm or tragedy.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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