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Ejisu Residents Demand Road Repairs Without Tragic Catalyst: “Why Wait for MP’s Death?” they ask


In a poignant plea for urgent action, residents of Ejisu in the Ashanti Region have voiced frustration over the state of their road infrastructure, questioning why it takes a tragic loss, such as the recent passing of Member of Parliament John Kumah, before the government addresses road safety concerns.

Amidst ongoing challenges with road maintenance and safety, Ejisu residents have expressed disbelief and disappointment that it often requires a fatal accident involving a public figure to draw attention to longstanding issues.

“Why must we wait for a tragedy to spur action?” asked one resident, reflecting the sentiments of many in the community. “Every day, we navigate dangerous roads, risking our lives and livelihoods. It shouldn’t take the death of an MP for the government to take notice.”

The tragic passing of Member of Parliament John Kumah has reignited conversations about road safety and infrastructure in Ejisu, with residents demanding immediate repairs and upgrades to prevent further loss of life.

“We cannot continue to lose lives on these neglected roads,” emphasized another resident. “It’s time for the government to prioritize our safety and invest in fixing our roads before more lives are lost.”

The sentiment among Ejisu residents underscores broader frustrations with the pace of infrastructure development and maintenance across the country. Many feel that their concerns are often ignored until a high-profile tragedy forces them into the spotlight.

As Ejisu residents mourn the loss of John Kumah and reflect on the preventable nature of many road accidents, they are mobilizing to demand accountability from their leaders and push for tangible solutions to improve road safety in their community.

“We refuse to accept that our lives are less important than those of public figures,” stated a community leader. “The time for action is now, before another tragedy occurs. Our roads cannot wait, and neither can we.”

As Ejisu residents continue to advocate for change, their voices serve as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for government intervention in addressing road safety concerns across Ghana. Only time will tell if their demands for action are met, or if more tragedies must occur before meaningful change is implemented.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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