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Electoral Commission Interdicts Five Officials Following Disappearance of Biometric Verification Devices (BVDs)


In a significant development, the Electoral Commission (EC) has taken decisive action in response to the reported disappearance of Biometric Verification Devices (BVDs) by interdicting five of its officials. This move comes as the EC grapples with the fallout from the missing BVDs, which are crucial components of the electoral process.

The interdiction of the officials, whose identities have not been disclosed, underscores the seriousness with which the EC is treating the incident. The BVDs, which are used to authenticate voters during elections, play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and transparency of the electoral process.

The missing BVDs were discovered during a routine inventory check conducted by the EC ahead of upcoming elections. Their disappearance has raised concerns about potential electoral fraud and has prompted swift action from the EC to address the issue.

In a statement released earlier today, the EC announced the interdiction of the five officials pending further investigation into the matter. The statement emphasized the EC’s commitment to upholding the principles of fairness and accountability in the conduct of elections.

Reacting to the news, several political parties and civil society organizations have called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident. They have urged the EC to take all necessary measures to ensure that the missing BVDs do not compromise the integrity of future elections.

The interdiction of the five officials represents a significant step towards addressing the challenges posed by the disappearance of the BVDs. However, questions remain about the circumstances surrounding their disappearance and the broader implications for electoral integrity in Ghana.

As investigations continue, the EC faces mounting pressure to restore public confidence in the electoral process and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The outcome of the investigation is likely to have far-reaching implications for the credibility of Ghana’s democratic institutions.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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