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The government is behind Galamsey, Youth chief of Nzemaland claims


Nana Kaku Anyiniah, the Youth Chief of Nzemaland, has made shocking allegations against the government, claiming its involvement in illegal mining activities, commonly known as galamsey. Anyiniah’s statement comes amid persistent concerns over the devastating environmental and social impact of galamsey operations across Ghana.

According to Anyiniah, whenever illegal miners, including foreign nationals such as Chinese individuals, are apprehended, they frequently cite “orders from above” as justification for their actions. This assertion implies complicity and tacit support from higher authorities within the government.

In a press conference held in Nzemaland yesterday, Anyiniah condemned the rampant illegal mining activities plaguing the region and the apparent lack of effective government action to curb them. He stated, “The government cannot claim ignorance of the ongoing destruction caused by galamsey. It is clear that there are influential figures within the government who are complicit in these illegal activities.”

Anyiniah’s accusations have reignited public debate over the government’s commitment to combating illegal mining and protecting Ghana’s natural resources. Despite previous pledges and crackdowns on galamsey, the problem persists, raising doubts about the effectiveness of existing measures and the sincerity of government efforts.

The statement by the Youth Chief underscores the urgency of addressing the root causes of galamsey and holding accountable those responsible for perpetuating it, regardless of their position or influence. The environmental degradation and socio-economic consequences of illegal mining continue to pose significant challenges to sustainable development in Ghana.

In response to Anyiniah’s allegations, government officials have yet to issue a formal statement. However, with mounting pressure from civil society groups and the public, calls for transparency, accountability, and decisive action against illegal mining are likely to intensify in the coming days.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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