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Government Allerged interference in Judicial judgement Raises Concerns as Court Dismissed James Quayson’s Contempt Case Against K.T Hammond Social Commentator Questions Fairness of Trials**


The relationship between the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the Ghana Judicial Service has come under scrutiny following a court dismissal of James Quayson’s contempt application against K.T Hammond. This development has raised concerns among social commentators, questioning whether citizens can expect fair trials as political tensions impact the judicial system.

James Quayson, a Member of Parliament, had filed a contempt application against K.T Hammond, alleging improper remarks made by the latter. The court’s dismissal of the application has fueled accusations that the NPP’s influence is tarnishing the image of the Ghana Judicial Service.

A social commentator remarked, “The dismissal of Quayson’s contempt application, coupled with the political undertones, is eroding confidence in the fairness of our judicial system. It’s crucial that we safeguard the integrity of our courts to ensure citizens receive fair and impartial trials.”

The clash between the NPP and the Judicial Service comes at a time when public trust in the justice system is paramount. The social commentator’s inquiry raises broader questions about the impact of political affiliations on legal proceedings and whether the judiciary can remain independent amid such tensions.

Observers note that maintaining the separation of powers is essential for the effective functioning of a democratic system. As Ghanaians grapple with these developments, there is a growing call for transparent and impartial legal proceedings to uphold the rule of law and preserve public trust in the judicial process.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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