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Government to cut off TV signals to homes and offices next year, Communications Minister Reveals.

In a significant announcement, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, the Minister of Communications and Digitalisation, has revealed that TV signals to homes and offices are set to be cut from next year. The decision stems from the financial challenges faced by broadcasters in paying for the digital terrestrial television (DTT) platform. The Minister emphasized that the government can no longer sustain the financial burden of operating the platform, necessitating a shift in the funding model.

Owusu-Ekuful highlighted the growing financial strain on broadcasters and the unsustainable nature of the current arrangement where the government covers the costs of the DTT platform. As of next year, this subsidy will cease, prompting concerns about the potential disruption of TV services for households and businesses.

The move is part of a broader strategy to encourage a self-sustaining ecosystem within the broadcasting industry. The Minister stressed the need for broadcasters to take responsibility for their operational expenses, including the utilization of the DTT platform. The decision is expected to prompt a reevaluation of business models within the industry and foster a more financially independent broadcasting sector.

While this shift may pose initial challenges for broadcasters, the government believes that it is a necessary step to promote fiscal responsibility and sustainability in the long run. The Minister has assured the public that efforts will be made to communicate the changes effectively, and alternative arrangements may be explored to mitigate disruptions for consumers.

As the deadline approaches, stakeholders in the broadcasting sector are urged to adapt to the new financial landscape and explore innovative approaches to sustain their operations. The impending cut in TV signals serves as a stark reminder of the evolving dynamics in the digital era, where economic viability and self-sufficiency become essential components for the continued provision of broadcasting services.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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