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Hon. Henry Quartey Expresses Concern Over Exit of Experienced MPs, Anticipates Impact on Parliament


The Member of Parliament for Ayawaso Central and Minister for Interior, Hon. Henry Quartey, has voiced his concerns over the impending departure of experienced Members of Parliament, stating that their exit could potentially impact the functionality and dynamics of the legislative body.

In a candid discussion during a parliamentary session, Hon. Quartey highlighted the wealth of knowledge and experience that seasoned MPs bring to the table, emphasizing that their departure would leave a significant void in parliamentary proceedings.

“The exit of experienced Members of Parliament will undoubtedly affect the overall effectiveness of our legislative body. Their years of service have contributed to the institutional memory of Parliament, and their absence could lead to a loss of valuable insights,” remarked Hon. Henry Quartey.

As the country gears up for the upcoming general elections, several veteran lawmakers have announced their decisions not to seek re-election or have reached the end of their term limits. This turnover, according to Hon. Quartey, raises concerns about the potential impact on the continuity and institutional memory within Parliament.

The Interior Minister urged his colleagues and the nation as a whole to appreciate the invaluable contributions of experienced legislators and underscored the need for a seamless transition to ensure that the parliamentary institution remains robust and effective.

While acknowledging the importance of fresh perspectives and new faces in Parliament, Hon. Quartey stressed the significance of maintaining a balance by preserving the experience and knowledge garnered by seasoned MPs over the years.

The impending exit of experienced lawmakers has sparked discussions among political observers and parliamentary stakeholders, with some calling for deliberate efforts to mentor and groom new legislators to fill the shoes of their predecessors.

As Ghana’s political landscape undergoes changes, the concerns raised by Hon. Henry Quartey shed light on the broader implications of the transition and prompt reflections on strategies to preserve the continuity and effectiveness of parliamentary proceedings in the years to come.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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