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Hon. Owusu Aduomi Will Win Ejisu By-Election No Matter the Money NPP Will Share, Hon. Ankrah Affirms

In a bold declaration amidst the fervor of the upcoming bye-election in Ejisu, Honorable Ankrah stood firm in his assertion that Honorable Owusu Aduomi would emerge victorious, regardless of any financial incentives the New Patriotic Party (NPP) may offer.

Addressing a gathered crowd in Ejisu, Honorable Ankrah, a prominent figure in the National Democratic Congress (NDC), made headlines with his unwavering confidence in Aduomi’s electoral success.

“Let it be known, the people of Ejisu cannot be bought or swayed by monetary offerings,” declared Honorable Ankrah, his voice resolute. “No matter the amount of money the NPP may share, Honorable Owusu Aduomi will triumph in this bye-election.”

Ankrah’s bold affirmation comes amidst heightened anticipation and political fervor leading up to the bye-election, which has captured the attention of the nation. The contest in Ejisu has been closely watched as both major parties vie for supremacy in the constituency.

Honorable Owusu Aduomi, a respected figure in Ejisu, has garnered significant support from the local community, bolstered by his track record of service and dedication to the people. His candidacy has been met with enthusiasm and optimism among constituents.

As the bye-election draws near, the political landscape in Ejisu remains dynamic and charged with anticipation. Both the NPP and the NDC are mobilizing their resources and strategies in a bid to secure victory in what promises to be a closely contested race.

In the face of intense competition, Honorable Ankrah’s proclamation serves as a rallying cry for supporters of the NDC and a testament to the confidence in Aduomi’s ability to prevail against all odds.

With tensions running high and the stakes higher than ever, all eyes are on Ejisu as the constituency prepares to cast its vote and determine the outcome of the bye-election that will shape its future political landscape.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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