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High Court Turns Down Request to Compel President Akufo-Addo to Accept Anti-LGBT Bill for Possible Assent

In a significant legal development, the High Court has dismissed a request to compel President Nana Akufo-Addo to accept the Anti-LGBT bill for possible assent, citing procedural and constitutional considerations.

The request, filed by a coalition of advocacy groups supporting the bill, sought to pressure President Akufo-Addo into accepting the controversial legislation, which aims to criminalize certain activities related to the LGBTQ+ community in Ghana.

In his ruling, Justice Akwasi Boakye explained that while the court recognized the importance of the bill to certain segments of society, it was not within its jurisdiction to compel the President to take a specific action regarding legislation.

“The power to assent to bills passed by Parliament lies within the prerogative of the President, and the court cannot interfere with this constitutional mandate,” stated Justice Boakye.

The decision comes amid heightened tensions and debates surrounding the Anti-LGBT bill, which has sparked both support and opposition from various quarters of Ghanaian society. Proponents argue that the bill is necessary to protect traditional values and morality, while critics contend that it violates human rights and promotes discrimination.

President Akufo-Addo has faced mounting pressure from both domestic and international stakeholders regarding the bill, with calls for him to either sign it into law or reject it outright. However, the High Court’s ruling underscores the limitations of judicial intervention in matters of executive discretion.

In response to the court’s decision, representatives of the advocacy groups expressed disappointment but affirmed their commitment to continuing their efforts to advance the Anti-LGBT bill through lawful means.

As the debate over the bill rages on, Ghana finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with questions of identity, morality, and human rights. The outcome of this legal battle will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the LGBTQ+ community and the broader trajectory of Ghana’s social and political landscape.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah

image source: TV3


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