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Hon. Sam George Advocates Parliament to Take Legal Action Against Akufo-Addo Over Unsigned ‘Witchcraft’ Bill


In a bold move, Member of Parliament Hon. Sam George is calling for parliamentary action against President Akufo-Addo for his refusal to sign the ‘Witchcraft’ bill into law. The bill, aimed at addressing issues related to accusations of witchcraft and ensuring the protection of individuals, has been a contentious point of debate in Ghana’s legislative landscape.

Expressing frustration over the President’s decision to withhold assent, Hon. Sam George contends that the bill is crucial for protecting vulnerable citizens and curbing the alarming incidence of witchcraft-related accusations and abuses. He asserts that the legislative process, which included thorough debates and revisions, reflects the will of the people and should not be thwarted by executive discretion.

The ‘Witchcraft’ bill, if enacted, would introduce legal frameworks to prevent the stigmatization and abuse of individuals accused of witchcraft, providing avenues for legal recourse and protection. Hon. Sam George argues that the President’s refusal to sign the bill undermines the democratic process and hampers progress toward addressing human rights issues within the nation.

Legal experts are weighing in on the matter, highlighting the constitutional implications of the President’s decision and the potential recourse available to Parliament. While some argue that the separation of powers should be respected, others believe that parliamentary action is a legitimate response to protect the integrity of the legislative process.

As the controversy unfolds, Ghanaians are closely watching the developments, eager to see whether Parliament will indeed pursue legal action against President Akufo-Addo, marking a rare instance of the legislative branch challenging the executive on matters of national significance.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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