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Hon. Seth Ankrah Claims It Will Take 20 Years for Bawumia to Restore Political Credibility


In a bold assertion, Honorable Seth Ankrah has stirred debate by suggesting that Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia faces an uphill battle to restore his political credibility, estimating that it may take up to two decades for him to regain the trust of the Ghanaian electorate.

Speaking at a political forum in the capital, Accra, Ankrah, a prominent opposition figure, cited perceived failures and missteps by Vice President Bawumia during his tenure in office, alleging that these have eroded public confidence in his leadership abilities.

“It will be a long and arduous journey for Bawumia to rebuild his credibility as a politician,” Ankrah remarked, sparking reactions and discussions among political observers and citizens alike. “The damage done to his reputation may take as long as 20 years to repair, if at all.”

Ankrah’s assessment comes amidst heightened political tensions and anticipation ahead of the upcoming elections, with Vice President Bawumia considered a potential candidate for higher office within the ruling party.

Critics argue that Bawumia’s credibility has been called into question due to controversies surrounding government policies, economic challenges, and allegations of unfulfilled promises, particularly in areas such as job creation, infrastructure development, and healthcare.

“As citizens, we have a responsibility to hold our leaders accountable and demand transparency and accountability in governance,” Ankrah emphasized, urging the electorate to carefully consider the track record and integrity of political candidates.

In response to Ankrah’s claims, supporters of Vice President Bawumia have defended his record, citing achievements in areas such as digitalization, financial inclusion, and macroeconomic stability. They argue that Bawumia’s commitment to reform and progress remains unwavering despite challenges and setbacks.

As Ghana prepares for the upcoming elections, the debate over political credibility and leadership qualities continues to shape the national discourse, with citizens weighing the merits and shortcomings of political candidates in their quest for a brighter future for the nation.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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