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Hon Ursula Owusu Asserts: “Elections are not won on social media; Bawumia will win”

Hon Ursula Owusu, Minister for Communications and Digitalization, has made a resounding declaration, asserting that elections are not won on social media platforms. In a recent statement, she expressed confidence that Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s victory in the upcoming elections would be secured through effective grassroots engagement and direct interaction with the Ghanaian electorate.

Addressing a gathering of party supporters and media representatives at the New Patriotic Party (NPP) headquarters in Accra, Minister Ursula Owusu emphasized the limitations of relying solely on social media for political campaigning.

“While social media plays a significant role in shaping public discourse, elections are ultimately won by engaging directly with the people, understanding their concerns, and offering practical solutions to their needs,” Minister Ursula Owusu remarked, echoing sentiments shared by many political strategists and analysts.

Her remarks come amidst a growing trend of political parties and candidates leveraging social media platforms to disseminate their messages and rally support. However, Minister Ursula Owusu cautioned against over-reliance on digital campaigning, citing the importance of personal connections and community outreach in winning the hearts and minds of voters.

“We cannot underestimate the power of face-to-face interactions, community engagements, and grassroots mobilization,” Minister Ursula Owusu emphasized, underscoring the NPP’s commitment to connecting with Ghanaians at the local level and addressing their aspirations for a brighter future.

In affirming Vice President Bawumia’s candidacy as the NPP’s presidential flagbearer, Minister Ursula Owusu expressed confidence in his leadership abilities and vision for the nation. She highlighted Vice President Bawumia’s track record of service and dedication to advancing Ghana’s development agenda, pledging unwavering support for his candidacy in the upcoming elections.

As political parties gear up for the campaign season ahead, Minister Ursula Owusu’s remarks serve as a reminder of the importance of grassroots engagement and direct voter outreach in securing electoral success. With elections looming on the horizon, the NPP remains steadfast in its commitment to engaging with Ghanaians from all walks of life and earning their trust and support through meaningful dialogue and tangible results.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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