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Parliament to use Local Languages


In a groundbreaking move aimed at promoting inclusivity and accessibility, Ghana’s Parliament has announced plans to incorporate local languages into its legislative proceedings. The decision marks a significant departure from the longstanding tradition of conducting parliamentary business exclusively in English and reflects a commitment to embracing Ghana’s linguistic diversity.

The Speaker of Parliament, along with key parliamentary leaders, unveiled the initiative during a press conference held at the Parliament House in Accra. Speaking to reporters, the Speaker emphasized the importance of ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their linguistic background, can fully participate in the democratic process.

“We believe that using local languages in Parliament will help bridge communication barriers and enhance civic engagement,” stated the Speaker. “It is essential for our legislative body to reflect the rich cultural heritage and linguistic diversity of our nation.”

Under the new policy, Members of Parliament will have the option to use local languages, such as Twi, Ga, Ewe, and Dagbani, during debates, discussions, and committee meetings. Simultaneous interpretation services will be provided to facilitate understanding among members who speak different languages.

The decision to incorporate local languages into parliamentary proceedings has garnered widespread support from lawmakers, civil society organizations, and ordinary citizens alike. Many view it as a positive step towards promoting cultural inclusivity and ensuring that the voices of all Ghanaians are heard within the hallowed halls of Parliament.

Furthermore, proponents of the initiative believe that using local languages will foster greater connection and rapport between legislators and their constituents, ultimately strengthening democratic governance and accountability.

The move comes at a time when Ghana is celebrating its linguistic diversity and reaffirming its commitment to promoting cultural heritage and identity. By embracing local languages in Parliament, Ghana sets a precedent for other nations to follow in recognizing and valuing the linguistic rights of all citizens.

In closing, the Speaker expressed optimism about the positive impact of the new policy on parliamentary discourse and urged all members to embrace the use of local languages as a means of fostering greater inclusivity and understanding within the legislative process.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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