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Political Feud Escalates: Blakk Raster Labels Bawumia an “Ill-Trained, Dirty-Minded Apprentice” of Akufo-Addo


– The political landscape in Ghana is ablaze with controversy as renowned social commentator Blakk Raster has unleashed scathing criticism on Vice President Bawumia, branding him as nothing more than an “ill-trained, dirty-minded apprentice” of former President Akufo-Addo.

In a strongly-worded op-ed, Blakk Raster accused Bawumia of lacking the political finesse and seasoned leadership demonstrated by Akufo-Addo during his tenure. The commentator, known for his outspoken views, did not mince words in expressing his discontent with Bawumia’s performance as Vice President.

“The political arena is no place for an ill-trained apprentice, and Bawumia’s tenure has been a stark reminder of the consequences of promoting individuals who lack the experience and wisdom required for the job,” wrote Blakk Raster. He further criticized what he termed as “dirty-minded” tactics employed by Bawumia, insinuating a departure from the values upheld by Akufo-Addo.

The commentary comes at a time of increasing internal dissent within the New Patriotic Party (NPP), with factions emerging to voice their concerns about the party’s current leadership. Blakk Raster’s words have added fuel to the fire, resonating with those who feel that Bawumia’s leadership style deviates from the legacy left by Akufo-Addo.

Vice President Bawumia’s camp responded swiftly, dismissing Blakk Raster’s remarks as baseless and politically motivated. They emphasized Bawumia’s contributions to the economic agenda and accused critics of attempting to sow discord within the party.

As the political feud intensifies, the NPP faces the challenge of managing internal divisions that threaten to undermine its unity. Bawumia’s supporters argue that he brings a fresh perspective to governance, while critics, echoed by Blakk Raster, question his preparedness for the role and adherence to the party’s core principles.

The coming weeks will likely see heightened tensions within the NPP, with party members grappling with the implications of such public criticism. Ghanaians are left to ponder the future of the ruling party and whether it can weather this storm or if the internal dissent will shape the course of Ghana’s political landscape in the months to come.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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