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scrap E-levy now if you want Ghanaians to trust you, Hon Seth Ankrah challenges Bawumia


In a bold move targeting public trust, opposition leader Hon. Seth Ankrah has issued a formidable challenge to the government regarding the controversial E-Levy proposal. Amidst growing concerns from Ghanaians regarding the potential economic implications of the levy, Ankrah has urged the government, particularly Vice President Bawumia, to reconsider its stance.

Ankrah’s call comes at a time when citizens are expressing widespread skepticism about the necessity and fairness of the E-Levy, which aims to tax electronic transactions. With the economy already under strain due to various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, many fear that the proposed levy could further burden citizens and stifle economic growth.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Hon. Seth Ankrah emphasized the importance of government responsiveness to the concerns of the people. He stated, “If the government truly wants to earn the trust of Ghanaians, it must listen to their voices and address their legitimate concerns. Scrap the E-Levy now.”

Ankrah’s challenge to Vice President Bawumia underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for dialogue and reassessment. As the debate over the E-Levy continues to intensify, it remains to be seen how the government will respond to the demands of both the opposition and the public.

In the face of mounting pressure, Vice President Bawumia and the government have yet to issue a formal response to Ankrah’s challenge. However, with trust in government policies at stake, the stakes are higher than ever for both sides to engage in constructive dialogue and find a mutually beneficial solution.


story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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