Government Spends GHS68 Million on Photocopying Past Questions, Minority Caucus Raises Concerns

  A startling revelation has emerged from the Ghanaian Parliament as the Minority Caucus accuses the government of squandering GHS68 million on photocopying past examination questions. The revelation has sparked outrage and calls for accountability from both within and outside the political sphere. The Minority Caucus in Parliament, led by its spokesperson, has raised serious […]

Former President Mahama promise his fight against corruption will cut across past and present officials

In a bold declaration, former President John Dramani Mahama has affirmed his commitment to combating corruption by emphasizing that his efforts will extend across both past and present government officials. The statement, made during a public address, underscores Mahama’s determination to address corruption comprehensively, transcending political timelines. President Mahama outlined his vision for a unified […]