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**Urgent Request Submitted to Speaker Alban Bagbin: Majority Calls for Reconvening of Parliament to Address Key Government Business**


In a move aimed at prioritizing critical government agenda items, the Majority in Parliament has submitted an urgent request to the Speaker, Alban Bagbin, urging the reconvening of the House. The call comes amidst mounting pressure to address pressing national issues and advance key legislative initiatives essential for the country’s development.

The request, initiated by members of the ruling party, underscores the importance of parliamentary oversight and legislative action in addressing the challenges facing the nation. With various vital government business items pending, including budgetary allocations, policy discussions, and legislative reforms, the reconvening of Parliament is deemed imperative to ensure effective governance and accountability.

Speaking on behalf of the Majority, a senior parliamentarian emphasized the need for swift action to address the nation’s pressing concerns. “The reconvening of Parliament is essential to facilitate robust debate, deliberation, and decision-making on critical matters affecting the welfare and progress of our country,” stated the lawmaker.

The urgency of the request reflects the government’s commitment to fulfilling its mandate and delivering on its promises to the Ghanaian people. From economic recovery initiatives to social welfare programs, the reconvening of Parliament is seen as a crucial step in advancing the nation’s development agenda and promoting inclusive governance.

Speaker Alban Bagbin, tasked with considering the Majority’s request, is expected to convene the House in accordance with parliamentary procedures and protocols. The Speaker’s office has acknowledged receipt of the urgent appeal and assured stakeholders of due diligence in assessing the merits of the request.

As the nation awaits further developments, all eyes remain on Parliament and its leadership to heed the call for reconvening and take decisive action in addressing the nation’s most pressing priorities. With the collective efforts of lawmakers and stakeholders, Ghana stands poised to navigate its challenges and chart a course towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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