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Vice President Bawumia Clarifies Remark on Church Taxation, Calls Statement a Joke**


Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has issued a clarification regarding his recent remarks suggesting incentivizing churches rather than taxing them, labeling the statement as a jest amid public scrutiny and debate.

During a public address, Bawumia had sparked controversy by proposing the incentivization of churches as an alternative to imposing taxes on them. However, in a subsequent statement, the Vice President sought to dispel any misconceptions, emphasizing that his comment was made in jest and not as a serious policy proposal.

“I want to clarify that my remark regarding incentivizing churches instead of taxing them was intended as a light-hearted comment and not a serious policy stance,” stated Vice President Bawumia. “I regret any confusion or misunderstanding that may have arisen from my statement.”

The clarification comes amidst mixed reactions to Bawumia’s initial remarks, with some expressing concern over the potential implications of taxing religious institutions, while others questioned the feasibility of incentivizing them.

In response to Bawumia’s clarification, religious leaders and members of the public welcomed the Vice President’s clarification, highlighting the importance of clear communication on sensitive issues such as taxation and religious freedom.

As the nation continues to grapple with economic challenges and fiscal policy debates, the incident serves as a reminder of the significance of thoughtful discourse and clarity in public statements, particularly on matters affecting various sectors of society.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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