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Vice President Bawumia: “I’ve Fulfilled Most of My Promises”


In a candid reflection on his tenure, Vice President Bawumia of Ghana has asserted that his administration has made significant strides in fulfilling its promises to the Ghanaian people. Addressing the nation in a speech delivered from the seat of government, the Vice President highlighted key achievements across various sectors, ranging from infrastructure development to economic reform, underscoring the government’s commitment to delivering on its mandate.”

I am proud to report that we have fulfilled most of our promises to the Ghanaian people,” Vice President Bawumia declared, as he outlined the administration’s accomplishments since assuming office.

With a focus on transparency and accountability, he emphasized the importance of holding government officials accountable for their actions and ensuring that promises made to the electorate are kept.Infrastructure development emerged as a cornerstone of the government’s agenda, with Vice President Bawumia touting the completion of several flagship projects aimed at improving the country’s physical infrastructure and enhancing the quality of life for citizens.

From road construction to the expansion of healthcare facilities, the government’s investments in infrastructure have been instrumental in driving economic growth and fostering social development.

“Our commitment to infrastructure development is unwavering, and we have made significant progress in delivering on our promise to improve the country’s infrastructure,” Vice President Bawumia affirmed.

“From the construction of new roads to the expansion of healthcare facilities, our investments are making a tangible difference in the lives of Ghanaians.”In addition to infrastructure development, the Vice President highlighted the government’s efforts to reform the economy and create an enabling environment for business growth and investment.

Through initiatives such as the implementation of fiscal reforms and the promotion of entrepreneurship, the government has sought to stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities for the youth.”We are committed to building a resilient economy that works for all Ghanaians, and we have taken concrete steps to achieve this goal,” Vice President Bawumia stated.

“From fiscal reforms to the promotion of entrepreneurship, our policies are designed to unlock the full potential of our economy and create opportunities for prosperity for all.”The Vice President’s remarks come at a pivotal moment for Ghana, as the country grapples with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and seeks to chart a path towards recovery and resilience.

Against this backdrop, Vice President Bawumia’s reassurances about the government’s commitment to delivering on its promises have resonated with many citizens who are eager to see tangible progress and improvement in their lives.”We understand the challenges facing our nation, and we are fully committed to addressing them,” Vice President Bawumia affirmed.

“Through collaboration and determination, we will overcome these challenges and build a brighter future for all Ghanaians.”Despite the government’s achievements, Vice President Bawumia acknowledged that there is still work to be done to fully realize the administration’s vision for Ghana.

He underscored the importance of continued collaboration between government, private sector, and civil society to drive sustainable development and ensure that the benefits of progress are shared equitably among all citizens.”

As we look to the future, we must remain focused on our goals and committed to delivering on our promises to the Ghanaian people,” Vice President Bawumia concluded. “Together, we can build a nation that is prosperous, inclusive, and resilient, where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.”


story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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