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Was Peter Mac Manu under the influence of Alcohol, Seven years nothing to show, will NPP Appoint Jesus Christ as Finance Minister in that 12months Social commentator Fires.


National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Peter Mac Manu, has stirred controversy with his recent comments, asserting that the NPP has the potential to transform the country’s fortunes within 12 months. In the same breath, he criticized the party’s own administration led by President Nana Akufo-Addo, labeling it as the worst Ghana has ever recorded in seven years. These remarks have not only fueled political debates but have also drawn sharp criticism from a prominent social commentator who suggests that Mac Manu may be under the influence of alcohol.

In a scathing response, the social commentator remarked, “Mr. Mac Manu’s statements are not only contradictory but seem to lack the sobriety expected from a person in his position. To claim that the NPP can miraculously change the country’s fortunes in 12 months while simultaneously labeling their own seven-year administration as the worst is, at best, perplexing.”

The commentator went on to express concerns about the impact of such statements on public perception and political discourse. “Such bold claims demand careful consideration and sober analysis. Accusing the party’s own leader of presiding over the worst administration raises questions about internal cohesion and governance.”

Chairman Mac Manu’s remarks come at a time when the NPP is preparing for upcoming elections, adding an unexpected dimension to the party’s narrative. While some party members may see his comments as a rallying cry for change and improvement, others question the feasibility of such drastic transformations within a short timeframe.

As reactions pour in from various quarters, Ghanaians are closely watching how the NPP leadership will respond to both the internal criticisms and concerns raised by the social commentator regarding the chairman’s state of mind during the delivery of these controversial statements.

story filed by: Nana Kwaku Duah


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