When are we getting our Allowance , a final Year Nursing Trainee Queries Bawumia on Nursing training Allowance restored by NPP during Youth Engagement Event**

  During a dynamic engagement session with the youth, a final year nursing trainee seized the opportunity to address Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, raising concerns over the disbursement of allowances for trainees in the health sector. The incident occurred at the highly anticipated “Bawumia Meets the Youth” event aimed at fostering dialogue and understanding […]

“Education Minister Hon. Osei Yaw Adutwum Asserts: Free SHS Requires Improvement, Not Review” ignore Mahama’s utterances

  The Minister of Education, Hon. Adu Twum, has made a significant statement regarding the Free Senior High School (SHS) policy, emphasizing the need for improvement rather than a comprehensive review. In a press conference, the minister addressed concerns about the policy’s effectiveness and acknowledged areas that require enhancement. Hon. Adu Twum highlighted the success […]

Outcry Over Nutrition Standards at Agogo Presbyterian Nursing and Midwifery College Sparks Call for Health Ministry Oversight, Parents Lament for paying 1500gh as feeding fee

  Parents of students attending Agogo Presbyterian Nursing and Midwifery College have raised concerns about the quality of food provided to their wards, despite the substantial fees paid for their education. The revelation has ignited a call for increased monitoring by the Ministry of Health to ensure students receive adequate and nutritious meals. Families, who […]

Universities must not rely on fees to run programmes – Varsity don

University authorities especially in developing countries must adopt measures that will ensure that their institutions become self-financing instead of relying solely on fees paid by students.  In this vein such institutions should remember that school fees as well as number of students an institution could admit had limits. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Quest […]

KsTU running programmes on highest standards required by GTEC and CTVET

The Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) has assured its students, potential students and the general public that its programmes were being run upon the highest standards required by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) and the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET). Reacting to a 2021 Auditor General’s report that stated that 32 programmes […]