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Selection of Chief Justice by Ruling Political Party in Ghana Will Always Influence Court Judgement, Social Commentator Laments.


The recent appointment of a Chief Justice in Ghana, orchestrated by the ruling political party, has reignited debates over the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.

Social commentators and legal experts have voiced concerns about the potential consequences of political interference in the selection process, emphasizing the need for a truly independent judiciary to uphold the rule of law.

The appointment of the Chief Justice, the highest judicial officer in the country, holds immense significance as it sets the tone for the judiciary’s functioning and its ability to dispense justice impartially.

However, when the selection process is perceived to be influenced by political considerations, it raises questions about the judiciary’s autonomy and its ability to uphold the principles of justice without bias.”Appointing the Chief Justice through a process influenced by the ruling political party undermines the judiciary’s independence and compromises its ability to deliver justice impartially.

“When judges owe their positions to political patronage, there is a risk that their judgments will be swayed by partisan interests rather than legal principles.

concerns echo those of many citizens who fear that political interference in judicial appointments will erode public trust in the judiciary and undermine the rule of law.

In Ghana, where the judiciary is tasked with upholding the constitution and safeguarding citizens’ rights, the integrity of the judiciary is paramount to the functioning of democracy.”The judiciary plays a crucial role in ensuring accountability, protecting human rights, and upholding the rule of law,” noted professor Ama Asante, a human rights activist. “When the selection of the Chief Justice is influenced by political considerations, it jeopardizes the judiciary’s ability to fulfill its mandate and undermines the foundations of democracy.”

The issue of political interference in judicial appointments is not new in Ghana and has been a subject of debate and concern for many years. Critics argue that the process lacks transparency and accountability, leaving the judiciary vulnerable to external pressures and manipulation.”Political interference in judicial appointments undermines the credibility of the judiciary and compromises its independence,” stated Kwesi Agyeman, a constitutional law expert. ”

Without a truly independent judiciary, there can be no guarantee of justice for all citizens.”The implications of political interference in judicial appointments extend beyond individual cases to the broader functioning of the legal system and the protection of citizens’ rights.

When judges are perceived to be aligned with the ruling political party, it raises doubts about the fairness and impartiality of court judgments.”Justice should be blind and impartial, but when judges are appointed based on political loyalty rather than merit, it undermines the credibility of the entire judicial system,” remarked Nana Mensah, a concerned citizen. “We need a judiciary that is free from political interference and committed to upholding the rule of law.”

Despite the challenges posed by political interference, some legal experts remain optimistic about the judiciary’s ability to resist external pressures and uphold its independence. They emphasize the importance of strengthening institutional safeguards and promoting a culture of judicial integrity and accountability.”While political interference in judicial appointments is a cause for concern, it is not insurmountable,” said Abena Darko, a legal scholar. ”

By promoting transparency in the selection process and strengthening mechanisms to hold judges accountable, we can help safeguard the independence and integrity of the judiciary.”As Ghana grapples with the consequences of political interference in judicial appointments, one thing remains clear: the need for a judiciary that is truly independent, impartial, and committed to upholding the rule of law.

Only through collective efforts to address the root causes of political interference can Ghana ensure that its judiciary remains a bastion of justice and a protector of citizens’ rights.

story filed by: Nana kwaku Duah


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